Tag Archives: Constellation

Google Sky Map App Review (Andorid)

Google Sky Map

The Google Sky Map app sounds like a great app to download. But is it worth your time?

Google Sky Map allows you to scan the night sky with your phone. It shows the sky’s layers, constellations, galaxies and planets. I think this would be the perfect app for a perfect clear dark night with lots of stars. With the menu you can turn off the planets, constellations and much more to make finding a certain place in the sky easier. You can also turn off auto mode and just browse through the sky.When auto mode function is off you can use the search to find what you were looking for.

The only bad thing about this app is that it can be difficult to navigate through the sky in auto mode. I was also having trouble with this app because it was con lined up right.

I think this app is a great app but it isn’t at its 100% yet so I rate it a (3.5/5) but I can definetly see someone using this app when they go camping or when they just want to look at the sky.


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