Tag Archives: App Store

Droid X Vs. iPhone 4

DROID X Vs. iPhone 4

To start I just want to say that they are both very good phones but there can only be 1 winner. To start the camera. The iPhone only has a 5MP where the Droid X has 8MP. The Droid X also has a better flash. One of the things that I like about the iPhone though is that it has a better resolution. Another thing that really stands out to the Droid X though is the WIFI hot spot. This hot spot can power WIFI for other devices. The iPhone can not do that. But one other thing the iPhone has is the camera on the front that can also be used for video calls. The last thing that I want to talk about is the Market places. The Apple App store has been out for a couple of years now and it only has 220,000 apps. The Android Market hasn’t been out that long and it already has 65,000 apps. This proves that the Android market is growing much faster than the App Store.

To close this blog I want to say that both phones are great phones but I am going to say the Droid X is better. But it is only better by a little bit. I think that there is going to be a lot of competition between Apple and Google coming up.

All in all I think both the Droid X and the iPhone are almost equally good phones and they both have their ups and downs.

Special thanks to http://www.pcworld.com/zoom?id=199729&page=1&zoomIdx=1 for the chart.

Alchemy App Review(Android and iPhone)

Alchemy App

The Alchemy App is a free game/app that you can download onto your Android. But is this app even worth your time?

In the game you start out with the four main elements Water, Fire, Earth and Air. You have to combine those elements to make a different element completely. For example if you drag Earth onto Water you create a Swamp.

The point of this game is to keep combining these elements until you have created all 300 of them. This might seem really easy but it gets pretty difficult.

I think this game is very fun and addicting. So I would probably download this game.

Since this game is very fun and addicting I give it a (4/5)

Good luck and happy combining!

Ustream App Review (Android & iPhone)

Ustream App Review

This is a new app to the market. It allows you to stream videos for other people to view live. But why would you need it?

I have recently messed with it a little but what I found was it was very hard to find the videos that you wanted to view. Even when you find the video it only showed up once for me. The other time the screen was just black. The commenting was the only thing that I was happy with. When you are watching the video, you can type comments. These comments show up on the screen of the iPhone or the Android.

I think this app has potential but it has a very long way to go. That is why I rate this app as a 1/5

Movies App Review (Android & iPhone)


I have recently downloaded the application “Movies”. But, is this app worth downloading?

This app gives you lists of movies in the Box Office and also lets you watch their trailers. Another thing that this App does is locates theaters near you and shows you movies and showtime in that theater.

Another feature that this app provides is upcoming movies that arent even out yet and you can also view those movies trailers.

On all of the movies it shows the percentage of  critics and viewers that liked it.

So if you or your family are big movie watchers then this app is perfect for you.

I give this app a  4.5/5

Bump app (Android and iPhone)

Bump app

The “Bump” app is an application that helps you share items like contacts, photos, contacts and other apps. But is bump actually something worth downloading or is it just a waste of space?

The other day I tried using “Bump” with two Androids. It worked but it took a long time to sync and it was only 1 contact. Bump is just like Bluetooth except it is slower.

I think that Bump is a useful app but only if you could actually use it. If I had an Android or iPhone I wouldn’t download it unless you knew someone else with an Android or iPhone that you wanted to sync with.

But all in all I think Bump could be a very useful app for people that need/want to transfer items from one device to another.

But because the transfer between devices is slow and takes a long time I rate this app a 3 out of 5.